Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Official

We received word that Children's Hope is now accredited in Russia. Here is the statement from our agency....

Children's Hope International is pleased to announce that as of December 14, 2007 we received official order #355 from the Ministry of Education , signed on December 14, 2007. We have also received Accreditation certificate #31, issued on December 19, 2007 giving us authority to place children for adoption from within the territory of the Russian Federation. This accreditation will be non-expiring.

We don't have other news regarding our process. They are saying there's a slight chance we'll hear something either next Thursday or Friday. If not, we won't hear anything until after January 15th.


Michael, Carrie, and S said...

Brandy-I hope you all are doing well. I hope you hear something soon about a new referral! I've been all excited for you because while we were in Russia, my mom said she thought you all had gotten a referral (she reads your blog). Please call me so we can get together for lunch and catch up! We're praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Staying in touch to see what is going on with the adoption. Hope you are having good holidays and will hear some good news soon!
Happy New Year!

Kendall, Susan and Cody

Anonymous said...

Brandy and Coby,

I am so sorry to hear your news. I have been praying for you both and know God's perfect timing with reveal itself. I miss you both bunches. I get off the Fascination and back in Nashville Jan. 28th. I would love to see you ASAP. shoot me an email at if you get a chance. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas despite the disappointment, and I wish you a very happy New Year.

Love Always,