Arriving at Vandi with turtle in hand and not a clue of what is about to happen..

checked in and waiting to go

Dada and Neil play, Coby did not break the chair...strong chair!

Children's Hospital at Vandi is great!!!

...still waiting!

and waiting...

we waited for a long time!!

Checked into our room and Neil watched TV for a total of 5 seconds. For those of you that know..Neil has no interest in TV at all.

Wrist band on..check! Fingers in mouth...check! Turtle....check! Blanket..oh ya, check!

Dada filling out paperwork and Neil still waiting
Mama putting socks on and Neil taking them off..that went on for a while!

Dada and Neil being silly as always!

Dada and Neil being silly as always!
Nurse Betsy let Neil listen to his heart and he liked it!! Hum...Dr. Ginsberg?? His Great Grandfather was Dr. Robert Ginsberg..he would have been proud!

Mama loving on the baby!

Mama loving on the baby!
Finding silly things to do while we wait.
Well, we are back home now and this is the Elmo...or as Neil calls it "Melmo" balloon that he woke up from surgery looking at and it made him smile...until he felt the IV in his foot, blood pressure monitor around his leg, realized he had no clothes on and lots of "tape" around his private area....yes, the tears came quick and loud and long! Mommy and Daddy were good through it all, but Neil has never held me so tight in all his life! Good thing he will not remember, but Mom and Dad sure will!