Remember this face......remember the smile......remember the hope that came with the possibility of bring him home.....He turned 2 today!
We have not received an update on Andrey since we were in Russia this past March. We were told that he is back living at the orphanage. When we were there visiting Neil, Andrey was in the hospital because he was sick. We really don't know any more then that.
But I look at these pictures and I smile and remember our time with him. He was so tender, sweet, smiley, lovable and such a blessing to be with. Maybe today, being his birthday, you can ask God to continue protecting him and that it might be a special day for him. That just maybe today he might be held a little more, kissed a few extra times and hugged one more time before being put to bed tonight. He is a blessing and a little gift from God, that Coby and I.....and all of you....will never forget.
We love you Andrey...Happy Birthday!
Aww I was just thinking about you guys and lil Andrey today.. I came across his birthday on my calandar, so ive been thinking about how his day is going today... Warm wishes and good thoughts are being sent his way.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Cousin Sarah
Happy Birthday Andrey!
And Happy Birthday Coby (tomorrow). May God's joy and comfort be with you both as you wait expectantly on what He is going to do.
What a sweet baby boy he is. I am teary-eyed just seeing that bright joyful face of his again and seeing you both as his parents, even for just those few days. I remember the orphanage director telling us on our 2nd trip what an impact we made on Owen's development with just the few hours we spent with him our first trip so I know Andrey was forever changed by your love and affection as his Mommy and Daddy for those days you loved him in person. He will always be dear to our hearts as we continue to pray for him.
Happy Birthday, Andrey, and Happy Birthday, Coby!
Oh Brandy, I read this with tears because I know how it feels to have felt that this was your child, but then never to bring him/her home. I pray for Andrey today and for you too.
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