My friend Holly..thank you so much..gave me this cute idea that she does with her 4 year old daughter, Kenna. When they are going somewhere exciting, they lay out Teddy Grahams for all the days until they leave for their special trip! Kenna gets to eat a 'Teddy' every day until the day arrives! Coby and I will be fighting over who eats the animal crackers each day....I might just have to make 2 cookie counters!
Well...here are 41 animal crackers (they were cheaper and there were more that came in a bag..yummy!) I won't bore you with 41 pictures of this...but possibly a picture a week!
We don't have any more updates yet, but we are still so excited!
What a cute idea. I would put that in the scrapbook for sure. And write what you did each day.
I have been out of the loop for a while and I am just now checking blogs. Congratulations on getting a court date!! I know you are so excited. It will be here before you know it.
Hi Brandy & Coby - I've been following your blog for awhile and am not sure if I've posted comments or not. Yeah, I'm very guilty of lurking in the background. Sorry! Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on your upcoming court date. We are so excited this day is finally drawing near for you!
If you're spending any time in Moscow, may I suggest you get in touch with an American expat couple, Ron & Dinia, to act as your tour guide for a few days. We were so very blessed to call them our friends, and now our extended family members. We stayed through our 10 day wait, so our 2nd trip was 3 weeks. Spending time with Ron made our trip not only tolerable, but enjoyable as well! Feel free to stop by our blog and read some of the May archives about our court trip and what wonderful things Ron did for us while we were in Russia (his wife was in the States so unfortunately we didn't meet her).
Ron & Dinia are a great Christian couple and consider their ministry to be helping adoptive families. They live in a beautiful apartment within walking distance to Tverskaya, Putin Square, and the Arbat area. I know they would love to hear from you and join you for dinner if you have the chance to reach them while you're in Russia. Their blog is http://theemptynestyears.blogspot.com/, and Dinia's email address is emptynesters01@yahoo.com. If you do contact them, please tell them that Karyn, Norm & baby Ilya say hello and that we miss them terribly! (They already know this, but we can't say it enough!)
Best wishes. Please know our thoughts & especially our prayers are with you!
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