Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our cruise pictures....

My favorite picture....Cozumel Mexico

First day leaving Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Our ship at Grand Cayman

Leaving Grand Cayman
Check out how green and clear the water is.....

...and yet soooo blue!! Arriving into Cozumel, Mexico
Our dun buggy excursion...yes, I'm the one in the mirror.

Coby driving and the couple sitting in the back, Bill and Kathy...I think were nice when they said they felt safe!

Coby had no idea his speed..he is going about 60mph here....but that's not what the speedometer says...

We went to a crocodile encounter in Mexico...I don't know about you but I didn't feel too safe about a deck 3 feet off the water and over 400 crocks below me. Oh ya, they said if they are swimming, they can jump up to 10feet!! Yeah, I don't think I felt safe!

Cozumel beach...
These 3 pictures are of the same sun set....our last night at sea!! It was a beautiful trip!


Joy said...

What beautiful pictures!! It really looks like you guys had a great time.

Carrie said...

Great pictures!! I am so jealous.

Jane and Jim said...

Looks like you had a blast on your LAST TRIP AS A CHILDLESS COUPLE!!! Wooo Hooo - your time has finally come! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to read about trip 2 and see the little man!