Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Thought you all might enjoy some pictures....Sorry we don't have any of the little guy....

Coby in the morning!!! This was a doll at the orphanage that we thought was funny!!!

Our little Guys feet........Coby's flippers!

Coby's shoes in the 'shower caps'

Outside the orphanage, after our first visit with our little guy. I am holding the silly orange doll thing that we bought on the way to our first visit.

Our first day in Moscow wearing clothes we left Nashville in...yuck!

Coby sleeping on hotel couch during our 7 hour layover in Moscow.

Brandy sleeping in Moscow airport during our 6 hour delay.


Jane and Jim said...

Great pics! It helps bring the story to life!
Is that your little guy's feet with the red shoes? (I know they look like girl's shoes but I also know at the orphanage, they don't care!).

MandyJo013078 said...

Those pictures are so cute! I can't wait for you to be able to go back on trip two and get your little guy! Do you have any big stuff that you have to get done before he comes home? How's the nursery? Are you going to have a baby shower? Sorry I'm full of questions! Have a great day you two! I always enjoy reading your blog!

Ryan and Katie said...

I started reading your blog after finding Jim and Adrienne's. Your stories are so fun to hear. We have met our son, but due to delays have to wait until next March to bring him home. I like your pictures. I recognize the couch Coby is sleeping on because we stayed in a Holiday Inn in Moscow too. It's fun to share similar memories. Hope you get to return quickly!

Carey and Norman said...

Thanks for the pictures. We hope you can come tomorrow for lunch with Carrie/Michael, Adrienne/Jim, Rachel/Troy, Becky/Keith, and us after the CHI pre adopt 2 class. If not, we'll have to plan another get together during your wait.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

YEA! Pictures!! What sweet little feet next to Daddy's feet! Can't wait to see more! I'm dying to see your little man's face when I see you in person :O)

Ryan and Amy said...

Nice pics - something we will look forward to (next week!!) Thanks for posting the realities of the sleep deprivation...are you caught up yet?!?